Bethel Amateur Radio Klub


    Amateur Radio encompasses many different organizations, modes of operation and opportunities for the newly licensed ham. Whether you're interested in digital modes, emergency preparedness, Morse code operation, civil emergency service, space weather and the effects on propagation, antenna designing and modeling, satellite operations, there is something for everyone. The links below are to direct you to web sites that will introduce you to this fascinating hobby.
   These links only scratch the surface of what's available to you after you receive your license. The best part of our hobby is that it continues to expand and grow and is often the leading edge of technology.

ARRL.ORG        The Amateur Radio Relay League. Considered by many as the parent organization for amateur radio.
AMSAT.ORG         Launches and maintains the ham radio communities' fleet of satellites.
ARES                   Amateur Radio Emergency Service
ARISS                  Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.
CQ                       "CQ" is hamspeak for "calling any station". It's also a monthly publication about ham radio.
D Star                  Icom's digital radio format.
Echolink               The most popular Internet linking method. 
eHam.NET            General amateur radio news, classified ads and equipment reviews.
IARU                   International Amaeur Radio Union. Helps regulate frequencies worldwide and promotes new amateur bands.
FISTS                  Dedicated to the preservation of morse code.
IRLP                    Internet Radio Linking Project. The first project to use voice over the internet to interconnect radios.
MARS                  Military Affiliate Radio System. A civil auxillary who assist the military with communications/
NCDXF/IARU        Worldwide beacon project administered by California hams. Beacons are used to check

                           band and path openings and operate 24 X 7.
QRZ.COM              General amateur radio news. Also has a database you can use to look up other hams by call sign
                           and practice test
for all amateur radio exams.

RACES                 Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services
Radioteletype       Yahoo group. Use free software and your computer for this traditional operating mode.
PSK 31                 A fairly new, but very popular, low-power digital mode. Requires free software and a computer.
SKY WARN            A resource for storm spotters. Help relay vital information before and during weather disasters.
Space Weather     The latest news on sunspot activity and propagation forecasts.
TARP                   Tuscon Amateur Radio Program. A club that focuses primarily on packet radio.
WinLink                A global radio email and emergency communications system.
WWV                   The National Institue of Standards radio broadcast. Great for checking frequencies, time    

                           propagation forecasts.
Fox Hunting          Radio direction finding. The sport of Kings!